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My name is Maya and I am a 2D animator, environment artist, and character designer. 

My journey began as a fine artist for many years, until I took a class in After Effects, and I was hooked on animation forever. I found that this suited an extension of my mind and how I thought about the world. I grew up doing competitive gymnastics, I was and still am an equestrian, and I have an affinity with animals, which in translation, means that I am fascinated with behavior and how the body (human and animal) can move. I initially thought I was going to be a biologist to study these same things, but I found that with animation I could still study movement with anatomy, I could study behavior inside character design, and study ecology within environmental concepts. Naturally, staying in the arts was the best decision.

With these intentions, I enrolled at Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design and graduated with a BFA in 2D animation. During that time, I was a retired gymnast and was a competitive coach. Now these passions are still present as I have transformed into a flying trapeze artist, an art form where I continue to study arcs, stretches and squashes, and many other physics that relate to the animation universe. With a sprinkle exotic travel here and there, I find inspiration around every corner. With this collection of experiences, I became a freelance artist, collaborating with great minds, and teaming up with amazing people to bring them the best projects possible.

My fascination and curiosity with the world and everything it contains only grows as time goes on, and my art form is my platform to this exploration of life.

Please feel free to contact me with any inquiries in the "Get In Touch" section.

About: Bio
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